

Played 3814 times.

75% (42/56)
Now you can play SQUID SNIPER GAME online in your web browser for free at
You've certainly already played Red Light, Green Light online on our website, maybe multiple times, and it's not something to be ashamed of, but we are positive that you got shot many times for moving during the red light, but in the end, you prevailed.
Well, this time, you get to have the satisfaction of shooting the players that move by becoming the sniper charged with that, in this fun shooting game unlike this category has had before!
When the red light is on and they move, shoot them!
The contestants in green tracksuits will move during the green light, but when it gets red, they have to stop, but some of them will still be moving, so they become your targets. They are highlighted by red arrows above them, so shoot them down to get points.
Use the mouse to control your sniper rifle, holding the right mouse button to zoom using the scope, and then the left mouse button to fire it when you're ready.
It's all that simple, so start right now, and make sure to invite your friends who love this series to try it out as well and the many other awesome games this category has to offer you!
Detect and destroy players moving in green light-red light game using your sniper gun! When aiming, you have to make sure you hit the right player. You earn points for the correct player, but if you hit the wrong player, your points will decrease. Get the highest score at the end of the game and compete with your friends. Play Squid Game Sniper now and start the action!

Mouse lock/unlock = L, Sniper moves = Mouse, Zoom = Right click, Fire = Left click, Zoom in/out = Mouse Wheel





Play SQUID SNIPER GAME Online Game. One of many ACTION Games to play online on your web browser for free at Zazgames . SQUID SNIPER GAME is also a game that be played on a mobile phone, tablet, and computer. Tagged as ALL GAMES, ACTION, 3D, SHOOTING. Played by 3814 players. Other games you might like are Extreme Hand Slap, POOPIEMAN VOODO, Baby Dragons, Join Clash Epic Battle, Mario Jigsaw Puzzle Collection, Brick Surfer, Perfect First Date, Shortcut Pro, super mario run race online, Cube Surfer Online, . No download or installation needed to play this free game. Hope this game brings a little joy into your daily life.