
Zuck vs Musk Fight Online

Played 2284 times.

89% (17/19)
Now you can play Zuck vs Musk Fight Online online in your web browser for free at
As spotted by PC Gamer, Zuck vs Musk is out now and is a free browser game developed by Blue Wizard founder, Bejeweled designer, and Plants vs Zombies creative director Jason Kapalka. Zuck vs Musk isn’t a completely brand new game; instead it’s a modified, smaller version of Blue Wizard’s pre-existing wrestling game, WrestleBros. And the only two characters in this tinier version of the game are dumbshit CEOs Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.

The game is fairly simple to play, with you just having to mash the space button while moving close to either Musk or Zuck. Sadly, even though you get to beat up one of these rich dinguses, you still have to play as the other and that means they win and that sucks. I need a mode that lets me drop in some random wrestler who can beat them both up.





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