
Money Honey!

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Money Honey is a game about making as much money as you can. You do that by partnering up with rich men and taking them for all they’re worth. Quite frankly, that’s a horrible concept for a game, but we thought we’d write a guide about it anyway.
We’ve played a decent chunk of Money Honey and discovered a bunch of different strategies that we think will help you get the most out of the game. Follow these suggestions and you’ll be stacking up the cash in no time flat.
Whether you’re going for your first walk in the game or you’ve been strutting along for a while, there’s going to be something here to help you out. These are the best hints, tips and cheats for Money Honey.
It’s important to make sure you’re picking the suitor with the most money every time. It’s usually just a case of using your common sense – a pilot is going to earn more than a clown, for example. You can check the salary of the characters you’ve unlocked in the Honeys menu from the front page.
Always try to get the most expensive items. If there are two items in green that you can pick up, get the one that costs the most. You want to waste all of your suitors money before you move on to the next if you want to end the level with the most cash. That’s a horrible thing to have to type.
You should try and avoid the tax demands. These are white sheets of paper with tax written on them that are outlined in red. There are usually gaps between them that you can slip through and avoid having to pay anything. Hey, that’s sort of like real life for the super rich.
There are sometimes red pools on the floor. These will suck up your cash and leave you with nothing for it, so if you see one do your best to avoid it. Sometimes that’s going to be impossible, so try and make sure that you’re spending as short a time as you possibly can in the pool.

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Play Money Honey! Online Game. One of many 3D Games to play online on your web browser for free at Zazgames . Money Honey! is also a game that be played on a mobile phone, tablet, and computer. Tagged as ALL GAMES, 3D. Played by 3721 players. Other games you might like are Extreme Hand Slap, Baby Dragons, Join Clash Epic Battle, Mario Jigsaw Puzzle Collection, Brick Surfer, Perfect First Date, Shortcut Pro, super mario run race online, Cube Surfer Online, Mario World Bros 2, TORNADO.IO, . No download or installation needed to play this free game. Hope this game brings a little joy into your daily life.